Hello fellow eaters:

What a lovely day for opening day of the market. I was a last minute shopper
because of community garden duties, so I missed seeing several of you
regulars. I hope to make up for it this week but seeing more of you and
having a bit more time to spend catching up with everyone. I hope that this
Saturday we will have an even larger crowd since the Gordon Square Farmers’
Market is the Detroit-Shoreway HQ of the Cleveland Garden Walk. Regular
readers of the eater update might guess that I am not a frequent garden tour
attendee, and you would be correct. Gardening-wise, I am pretty focused on
things to eat, and everything else is an afterthought at best, so if I were
to I look at my yard and then think the words “garden tour” someone would
need to administer smelling salts. But I am pretty excited about this garden
walk because a) it seems to be less about showing off and more about putting
together a critical mass of folks who are interested in a community project
and b) the walk will also include community gardens as well as ReImagining
Cleveland projects on formerly vacant land. The various things that we
do–at least in part–to build community in our neighborhoods are very
important to my life as a city dweller and as someone who eats food, whether
that community building is in community gardens, farmers’ markets,
neighborhood school art shows, block clubs (and especially block club
potlucks), volunteering at and attending neighborhood festivals, or just
spending more time getting to know your neighbors (say, by offering extra
zucchini or cucumbers, ha!). As I have discussed in past eater updates (and
doubtless will again) community building is and will be part and parcel of
changing to more local and more sustainable food systems. And you will have
no better opportunity to see local community gardens, urban farms, rain
gardens (can you say sewer fees?!), and creative re-use of vacant land than
on the garden walk on Saturday. So expand your visual and geographic network
and get to know your community better by visiting spots on the garden
tour–whether for sightseeing, getting ideas for your home garden, or seeing
where some of your farmers’ market food comes from–by shopping at the
market, getting a walking program, and visiting some of your neighbors’ and
fellow Clevelanders’ gardening and farming projects.

Don’t forget, we are auctioning off three, count ’em, 3 baskets of goodies
from the Collective Upcycle pop-up boutique. Buy your tickets at the Market
Booth this week and next and enter to win 1 of 3 baskets with amazing
handmade items from the Cleveland area. As a side note, Nicole McGee (who
organized Collective Upcycle) will be vending at the Market on July 2.

EcoVillage Produce will have bib, leaf, and romaine lettuce; mustard,
turnip, beet and mixed greens; onions; snow peas; radishes; and assorted
herbs and mints.

Old Husher will have some beets, their leafy cousin in the goosefoot family
chard, kale, scallions, garlic scapes, lettuce, mixed radishes.

Ruby’s Garden may be at the market with raspberries. Farming is tough, if
it’s not the weather, it’s family. We hope that Ruby’s Garden will be able
to join us soon.

Devil’s Backbone will bring herbs as well as some veggies and fruit.

Berry Good Farm will have honey, grains and jams. They will also have
zucchini and applesauce breads and their famous-on-the-west-side “Lazy Daisy
Oatmeal Cake”.

Mobite Products will have vegan carrot cake, vegan sliced bean pie, vegan
gluten-free banana nut muffins, regular vegan banana nut muffins & vegan
sugar-free banana nut muffins.

Earth’s Crust (a new vendor this season) will have brownies; four different
granolas: rocky road (peanuts, peanut butter, chocolate chips and raisins),
nutty (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds, cranberries), maple
walnut, and spicy ginger; several breads: 100% whole wheat sunflower, 100%
whole wheat walnut, deli rye, lemon mint yogurt, semolina with sesame seeds;
and rolls: onion–wild celery and cinnamon.

Origins Beanery (formerly known as The Beanery @ Urban Homestead) will be
serving up cold cups of joe, aka Sua Da (Vietnamese coffee) along with
freshly roasted coffee beans (they’ll even grind them for you). They also
may have more of their awesome strawberry chipotle preserves. Smoky, spicy
and sweet!

Cathie Brenkus will be rejoining us this week with her cleverly decorated
tea towels as well as beaded bracelets.

ReMemories is spending time with the grandkids but will be back in a few
weeks with an assortment of fabulously stylish textile items (purses, baby
quilts, et al.), cleverly decorated chairs, and homemade jams and jellies.

Sarah Perkins will be at the neighborhood table this week.She will be
selling handmade gift bows (made from recycled materials) and eye pillows to
raise money as part of Off the Mat, Into the World’s Global Seva Challenge
2011: Haiti. All proceeds go toward her goal of raising $20,000 to help
create sustainable solutions for Haiti.

Yoga at the market. Are you a Yoga instructor interested in donating your
time to a good cause? The Gordon Square Farmers’ Market is looking for you!
We are attempting to have as many Yoga at the Market classes as possible
this season. We are looking for some Yogi’s who would like to teach a
donation (to the market) based yoga class on a Saturday of their choice this
market season. We would like for the classes to be around an hour long and
for all levels. If you are interested in donating your time or have any
questions contact Emily Holody at Ncsummer_2000@yahoo.com or 330-256-6641.
Currently scheduled classes are Saturdays July 16 , 23, August 13 & 27.

Neighborhood table. Do you have a special talent you would like to share?
Are you an excellent baker? Do you make wonderful jewelry? Or, a you a part
of a group or club that could help people in the neighborhood? If you
answered yes to any of these questions, a Saturday at the Gordon Square
Farmers Market Neighborhood Table is just what you need! Here is how it
works. The market runs from 10:00am-2:00pm on Saturdays during Market Season
and is held at Bethany Presbyterian Church at 6415 West Clinton Cleveland,
Ohio. The market will provide a table, chairs and a tent for your use. You
can come as early as 9am to set up your space as needed. The best part of
all this is it is totally free! The only cost to you would be a small
percentage of your sales if you use the space to sell something. The only
rule is that items for sale must fall within Market Guidelines. For a list
of these guidelines and to reserve a Saturday, contact Emily Holody at
ncsummer_2000@yahoo.com or 330-256-6641.

The Gordon Square Farmers’ Market: more food, fewer tourists.

GSFM is located in the parking lot of Bethany Presbyterian Church at W. 65th
and West Clinton streets (one block south of Detroit Ave.).

Every Saturday through October, 10am-2pm.

Feed back? Please email or talk to us at the GSFM booth on Saturday.


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